Indian Chief Dark Horse
The Thunder Black Smoke (matte) paint flattens the Chief Dark Horse while the colored headdress tank design stands out from a distance. Smoke Black (matte) rims with blackwall tires give the Chief Dark Horse an old-school feel. Blacked-out engine and chassis make this Chief Dark Horse live up to its name. Solo black seat features fringe, double stitching and rich thick leather. Colors: Thunder Black Smoke w/colored headdress. MSRP Price: $27,999 USD
Tags terms: Chief, fringe, design, leather, tank, name, Price, USD, Solo, seat, Horse, distance, chassis, Smoke, blackwall, Colors, paint, matte, Dark, Blacked-out, engine, Black, Thunder, MSRP, blackwall tires, leather colors, tank design, thick leather, headdress, dark horse, rims, msrp, chassis, old school, tires
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