LEGO Figures of Famous People - (Oddity)
Composing LEGO bricks has became an art. If you have some talent you can easily become one of such artist recreating some well known building or other object. It is known that some packages of LEGO bricks come with human or animal figures, too, like policeman, firefighter, taxi driver, etc. Here you can see some photos of LEGO figures of some of the world’s most famous people like Pele, Benjamin Franklin, Buffalo Bill, Donald Trump and others. Similar to caricatures, most of them are funny-looking and entertaining. All of them are made in one piece as one LEGO brick so you can include them into your LEGO constructions.
Tags terms: lego constructions, lego bricks, lego brick, lego figures, buffalo bill, donald trump, animal figures, taxi driver, caricatures, benjamin franklin, famous people, policeman, photos