Child Room Decoration Goes Star Wars
I don’t know about you but I can never get enough of Star Wars and all the amazing thing people do around it. The creativity never ends. Now a married couple has come up with the idea to decorate their child’s room a bit different than the usual. At the same time they want their kid to learn the alphabet, and as we know that is kind of a boring part, but they did it the fun way. They used the characters in Star Wars to represent the letters, like for example: A is for Ackbar, B is for Bossk, and so on. Of course that H was for Han Solo, who else?
The cute and colorful drawings are making it all appear fun, so I guess they had luck with both the decoration and the child’s learning will. Another person who have thought about Star Wars when creating something fun is this Japanese artist that is making amazing paintings of the movie characters as well as scenes.
Tags terms: Ackbar, B, colorful drawings, bossk, japanese artist, something fun, married couple, alphabet, creativity, paintings, star wars, han solo